Wednesday, July 10, 2013

30 weeks

How far along?: 30 weeks
How big is baby?: Baby's about 15.7 inches long now and weighs almost 3 pounds (about the size of a large cabbage.)
Weight gain?: Weighed in at my OB appointment yesterday and I am up a whopping 21 pounds already!
Stretch marks?: Oh, how I love my extra virgin olive oil. Helps keep the tummy from becoming itchy.
Maternity clothes?: Summer dresses have been my go-to attire.
Food cravings?: The weather has been really hot and I am sure that is the reason why I had been craving an ice cream cake for two weeks. This past weekend my craving was fulfilled. I could eat it every day.
Sleep?:  I can't complain. I have been getting the best sleep all pregnancy the last few weeks.
Gender?: A baby boy.
Exercise?: It has been way too hot here. I have been trying to keep up with my daily walks but after 20 minutes I am boiling and my body feels limp.
What's been going on? I can't believe I am at 30 weeks already. The time is flying by and I am starting to panic just a wee bit. In the next few weeks we need to finish the boys room, sort through clothing, buy a swing and bassinet, pack the good ol' hospital bag and maybe picking a name would be good?!? The list keeps growing and with this comes a little anxiety. I don't know what it is about this pregnancy but I am terrified to give birth. I know I have done it two times before but it takes my breath away thinking about what is going to happen... the pain... the unknown... the recovery... Alright, time to change topic as I get antsy writing about it. I have to say Little Miss L. and Baby D have been very good to their little brother - They both love to talk to him each day. Baby D is always giving his brother hugs and kisses and telling others to be quiet as his brother is napping. I can't wait to see how they will react when he finally leaves the belly and enters this world.

Check out week 30 with pregnancy #1 and #2 here.


  1. You look great in your maxi dress. They are a fab maternity look. My sister and her family just welcomed their third baby last week and all is going wonderfully. Exciting times for your family as the due date gets close! x

  2. Thanks Hannah. I have been slacking on the blog lately but just saw your good news! Congratulations on the new addition to your family. Did they welcome a son or daughter?
