Thursday, July 12, 2012

edible paint

Looking to get a little messy with your little ones this summer but don't want to worry about what they may be putting in their mouth? It's time to make your own edible paint! It literally takes two minutes max and you only need three ingredients. I used four Ikea bowls and filled each with 1/4 cup of white flour, 1/2 of cold water, and a drop of food colouring. Stir it all up and away you go! It's fast, easy, and safe for the kiddos. The kids had a blast painting each other and the paper.

If you are looking for another edible finger paint option, check out this post I wrote a while back.



  1. They really did have a blast. They spent more time painting each other than the paper :) They have already asked to do it again!
