Friday, August 12, 2011

40 weeks

Weekly e-mail update: His skull bones are not yet fused, which allows them to overlap a bit if it's a snug fit through the birth canal during labor. This so-called "molding" is the reason your baby's noggin may look a little conehead-ish after birth. Rest assured — it's normal and temporary.
How far along?: 40 weeks
How big is baby?: It's hard to say for sure how big your baby will be, but the average newborn weighs about 7 1/2 pounds (a small pumpkin) and is about 20 inches long.
Weight gain?: I have not gained any weight in the last few weeks. Since the begining I have gained 29 pounds.
Stretch marks?: Thankfully I still have no stretch marks, but my linea nigra is now visible.
Maternity clothes?: I have been lacking in the clothes department because I really did not want to purchase maternity clothes. I have to say that yoga pants and long tank tops have been my wardrobe lately.
Food cravings?: Anything cold!
Sleep?: Still not happening. I have been so hot and uncomfortable.
Gender?: BOY!
Exercise?: Lots and lots of walking this week.
What's been going on?: Well, the time has finally come where we are almost at the finish line. There are so many emotions running through me... I start to get anxiety when I remember what it was like to give birth; I am worried about Little Miss L. and how she is going to react to the change that is about to happen; I am stressed that we do not have everything prepared for this baby to arrive (such as having a name picked out); I am excited my pregnancy is coming to an end; and most importantly, I am anxious to meet my son. I met with the ob/gyn yesterday and she was just as surprised as I that the little man has not arrived. He is still in the perfect spot for delivery, and heartbeat is strong. Now it is just a waiting game and I really hope he decides to end this game soon. Hopefully this will be my last weekly pregnancy update... fingers crossed everyone!
40 week belly.
40 week belly.
40 week belly with pregnancy #1.


  1. you look incredbile!! i looked like a beached whale at 40 weeks :(

  2. Thank you for your kind words but I definitely feel like a whale!
