If you happen to see me out today, make sure you are out of my way. I am a total walking zombie -who knows what might happen! Little Miss L. was not feeling well this weekend. I can totally understand why you would not want to eat, sleep or be happy when a sharp object is ripping through your tender gums. I hate seeing my little girl in pain, nothing seemed to be able to calm her down. It also meant a few sleepless nights. The hubby and I tried to keep things as fun as possible, but outings this weekend were, let's just say, very short. The hubby and I also had a list as long as our arm of things to do around the house.
I can't thank my parents enough for all their help as they have been coming down on weekends to help us out because this preggo does not move too fast anymore. I can't believe our little one will be here in a few short months and we still have the nursery to finish, boxes to unpack...it never ends. I wish I was capable of doing more, but when you have an extra 20 pounds on you, your body doesn't tend to be able to do the things it use to - bending down means a bathroom break every two minutes, and let's not talk about how tired I seem to get! The hubby and my father got started on the outside flower beds, and let me say, they are looking fabulous now (pictures to follow soon). Here is a sneak peak at our weekend... I hope my little one starts to feel better soon because this momma could use some rest.
We were able to hit up the local book fair, Little Miss L. loved picking out some new books to add to her collection. |
A quick stop at the park. |
To be a kid again and loving every minute of it. |
My not so happy baby girl. |
Mom and dad, watch me... |
I am a big girl now, look at me go through the tunnel! |
All done! She was so proud of herself. |
The back deck was looking a little sad... |
...a little more appealing now that we were able to add some colour with these flowers. |
Get some well deserved sleep shanna