Friday, September 28, 2012

it takes a village to raise a child- guest post

Almost a year ago, my family and I moved to Brockville, Ontario. We are a “blended family” consisting of a daughter each from previous relationships and our newest addition, a five month old baby girl .With three children ages three and under, our home is always buzzing.

My spouse, Nick and I are fairly active, outgoing people. This is one of the many things that drew us together in the first place. When we decided to move from our previous town, we discussed the things that we were looking for in a community and how we would involve our family. A few things that were must-haves included a clean, safe area in which we could raise our three girls; a community that stressed the importance of family with great educational opportunities to choose from. After looking into the surrounding areas, Brockville came out on top. We were also looking for a hometown that provided an opportunity to get out and be active on a weekly basis.

Our first weekend in our new home introduced us to the Brock Trail, a fabulous walking/biking path that extends from one end of the city to another. We immediately unpacked the strollers and took to a walk. Our stroll led us to Hardy Park, the renowned waterfront park that boasts a state of the art play structure, gazebo, view of the marina and is located just a stones throw from Blockhouse Island, which provides great opportunities for family fun and a stunning view of the St. Lawrence River.

Every weekend since, you can find our family at one of the local family-friendly spots around the city - the new splash pad, local parks, the public library, the Thousand Island Mall or any other events being hosted in our hometown or the surrounding area. We do this not only because we enjoy the festivities, but because we want to set an example to our children. Nick and I feel that when we are out supporting local business, markets or even a day at the park, it teaches our children to take pride in their community, the responsibility that goes with it and at the same time, keeps them active. It also gives us a great opportunity to have “family time” and bond with our girls. It’s our hope that this is something we can do for years to come and hopefully encourage other families to do as well.

Whether you live in a big city, town or the country, there is always something to do and a community to be found. It can be a simple thing like a walk or perhaps volunteering your time but whatever it takes, get out in your area and get the entire family involved.

Lindsay Pennell is a proud mother of three, blogger for Brockville Tourism , and avid community supporter. You can follow her family adventures Please drop her a line anytime, as she is always looking for new family activities to attend and loves to hear of your experiences as well 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

mj & p's wedding

This past Saturday, we attended a family wedding for MJ and Paul. They are such a beautiful couple, it is so easy to look at this couple and see the love they share for each other. They celebrated their big day at the stunning Chateau Montebello, it is one big rustic red cedar log cabin and I love love loved it! The weather was unpredictable, and the rain decided to show it's ugly face off and on all day. They had hoped to say their vows under the gazebo by the water but decided not to play with fire, and instead said their vows in one of the rustic cabins with gigantic black chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

The kids were busy little bees but Little Miss L. absolutely loved watching MJ, "the princess." She enjoyed mingling with all the people and her favourite part - dancing the night away. We were the ones who had to drag her off the dance floor to come home. I think we were a mere 2 minutes down the road when she was snoring away.

Thank you MJ and Paul for allowing us to take part in your special day. It was a beautiful wedding and you both were glowing. Here is to many years of health and happiness!
Are we are at the right wedding?
Baby D waits for the brides arrival.
How cute are these flower girls?
Here comes the stunning bride.
The Mr and Mrs. making it official. 
The kiddos with grandma and grandpa.
Seriously girl, when will you just give mommy one nice picture of the two of us?
The boys just hanging out. Having a few drinks.
Cake time. I loved the rustic feel of this wedding.
I loved this idea for the favours!
Chateau Montebello golf and country club.
Mommy and daddy trying to get a picture but the little one had to sneak in.
Dancing the night away with her Tia.
Little Miss L. wasn't giving in to sleep. She put her pj's on with treat in hand and partied hard.
Someone else, on the other hand, gave in.

Monday, September 24, 2012

happy birthday!

Happy Birthday to my talented, caring, and loving husband. We hope your day is everything you wish for and more. 

Love your,
Two crazy children and your HAW

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

trip to the apple orchard

This past Saturday, we woke up to a beautiful, crisp fall morning. The sun was shining and the kids were in a good mood so the hubby and I knew it would be the perfect day to hit-up the local apple orchard.

Both kiddos were super excited as we arrived at the orchard - Little Miss L. jumped out of the vehicle and made a mad dash straight for the apple trees in front of us. After telling her to hold her horses, we jumped onto the wagon ride and rode deep into the apple bush.

As soon as the wagon stopped, Little Miss L. had her basket in hand and started picking those juicy red balls of goodness. Both her and Baby D did more eating than participating in the picking process, but they loved every minute of it.

We had a wonderful morning and left with a bushel full of apples and some fresh apple cider to enjoy once we were home.

Here's our trip to the orchard... I may have went a tad overboard on the photos!
Ready to go!
I have got my basket, ready to get my pick on.
Waiting for momma to get on the wagon.
I love that my son looks petrified and my daughter is hanging on for dear life as we are on the wagon ride.
She picked her first apple of the year.
She had to bite right in.
While mommy and daddy worked hard picking, these two pretty much did this the whole time.
Baby D bites into his first apple.

That's right, we put her to work.
Little Miss L. was determined to get the perfect one.
My little girl is growing up.
My handsome little guy. Look at those cheeks.
Momma's girl.
What's a visit to the apple orchard without a jump shot?
She made sure to fill her basket with only apples she had picked.
I would turn my back for one moment then find her hiding in the trees munching away.
My two favourite little people.
My two men.
They melt my heart each and every day.
Baby D. gets me with those eyes all the time.
Baby D's first time at the apple orchard and making sure he picks the perfect one for his momma.
He can't wait until these babies turn into pies and crisps. 
Family shot. Thank you Log Cabin Orchard for a great morning!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

how to freeze fresh herbs

Yesterday, I had the honour of guest posting over at Life In Pleasantville. We were talking about what to do with those leftover herbs you have in the the garden or the ones leftover from your last grocery store visit.

Hop on over to life in pleasantville  and check out how to freeze your herbs to use all winter long.

Monday, September 17, 2012


We like to grow them big around here!

Friday, September 14, 2012

anniversary dinner-japanese style

Last Thursday, the hubby and I celebrated our anniversary. I know how lucky I am each and every day when I wake up to my best friend next to me. He always knows how to make me smile and laugh. Not only has he surpassed the husband I envisioned one day having, he is an amazing father to my two precious angels. I could not ask for anything more.

Last Thursday night, we decided to share the celebration with the two tiny people we care most for and headed to one our favourite Japanese restaurants. This would be the first time Little Miss L. and baby D would experience teppanyaki. Let me tell you, they absolutely had a blast! Baby D loved watching all the action and Little Miss L. loved watching the cook's tricks. Her favourite was when he turned the onions into a steam engine. To our surprise, our little girl was a pro with the chopsticks! I have to admit, I still can't use them properly!

It was a wonderful way to spend our anniversary and I wouldn't change anything about it. I had an evening full of laughs with three people I can't get enough of. Thank you to my dear husband for making me the happiest girl each and every day!
Here we go! Look at how excited that little girl is!!!
She was cheering the chef on the whole time.
Her fancy apple juice.
Excited to use her chopsticks.
Let's dig in.
Yum, one of my fave dinners.
Cheers mom and dad.
This was baby D's face most of the night, pure amazement.
Family pic of the night. One lucky momma right here!