Friday, December 30, 2011

it's a new year... welcoming 2012

As I sit here sipping on my glass of wine I can say that I love love love new beginnings and I love setting new resolutions for the coming year. As I am curled up quietly on the couch thinking of ways to improve my health,  my parenting, my marriage, my attitude, I think back on the past year. There are so many things I have to be thankful for - my health (my body allowing me to give birth naturally), my loving and supportive husband, my two beautiful children, and wonderful family and friends...what more could a girl ask for?!?!

The past year has been a busy one, but I would not change it for the world. Our family moved into our first home - yes we still have boxes waiting to be unpacked, but it truly feels like home; welcoming our son into the world - I am in awe everyday watching him grow and learn; I am proud of our daughter who has become a very independent toddler who acts like she is twice her age; we have watched our friends marry their best friends; and we have had the honour of watching others bring new life into the world. As I sit here making my list of resolutions for the new year, I am hopeful I will be able to achieve them all...
  • Become more active as a family
  • Change my eating habits - less sugar in my diet
  • Learn to use less of the words 'no, don't, stop' with our children
  • Improve my organizational skills when it comes to personal finances
  • Taking the time for more date nights with the hubby
  • Learn how to better use my camera
I know I have a long list to accomplish this coming year, but I have every reason to believe I will be able to tick them off. I can't wait to see what 2012 has in-store for us. Here's to a new day, a new year... live, love, learn, and always remember those who have touched our hearts. What are your new year resolutions?


christmas part 2

Christmas morning had finally arrived. As I woke up bright and early, I looked outside to see the beautiful snow that had fallen overnight. It did not take long before an excited little girl arrived in our bedroom. She had the biggest smile on her face as she jumped up and down shouting 'it is Christmas, it is Christmas!' She could hardly contain her excitement as she ran down the hall to the living room to see if Santa had come during the night. She shouted at the top of her lungs 'Santa ate all of the cookies but the reindeer didn't eat all of their carrots.' Her attention quickly turned to the presents under the tree. Little Miss L. and Baby D. loved opening all of their goodies. After all the gifts has been opened, we were joined by my brother and sister-in-law and my cute nephew for a yummy Christmas breaky. After the breakfast was finished, we rushed and got ready to head to my in-laws for lunch. We were looking forward to spending time with family, but unfortunately our time was cut short because Baby D was inconsolable - he has started teething and nothing we did seemed to soothe him. The rest of the day was spent at home trying to unwind from our busy weekend. The weather was balmy so we decided to check out our new sled we received. The kids love love loved it. Little Miss L. loved the fact she was able to hold her little brother, and Baby D loved being out in the fresh air so much he was out cold within two minutes.

It was an awesome holiday weekend and I loved every minute of it. I love the hustle and bustle of the holidays but it sure is good to curl up on the couch with a hot cup of tea and just relax for a few moments.
Santa and the reindeer left a few crumbs behind.
It's time to open up our presents. You go first little brother.
Little Miss L. was over the moon when she saw that Santa left her a train set.
Momma and Baby D in our Christmas pjs.
Baby D's first Christmas.
Little Miss L. and her cousin jam together on Christmas morning.
Time for a ride.
My teeth are coming in and it bloody well hurts!
My favourite thing to do.
This made Baby D happy for a mere 10 minutes.
Our first ride in our brand new sled.
We love love love our new sled!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

christmas part 1

Christmas is a magical time of year and I could not wait to spend it with my family this year. This Christmas brought many firsts for us-this would be the first as a family of four, the first Christmas in our own home, the first time we hung twinkling lights outside, the first time our children experienced riding in a sled, and the first Christmas that Little Miss L. understood on Christmas Eve she would leave out cookies for the big guy in red in hopes that he would leave her some goodies in return.

This Christmas did not disappoint. It was filled with family, friends, lots of food, and we ended up having a white Christmas after all. Christmas Eve day was spent in my old neck of the woods. We had a nice visit with my grandma, followed by gift opening at my parents, followed by a scrumptious meal where we were pleasantly surprised when Santa and his elf made a guest appearance. It made Little Miss L.'s Christmas, I have never seen her get more excited than she did the moment she saw Santa walking towards her. After our visit from Santa and elf we made a quick stop at a family friends Christmas gathering, it was a beautiful party and I wished we could have stayed a while longer but the kids were beat and they could not wait to get home to leave out their goodies for Santa.
Uncle Brady and the big guy.
I love love love those baby blues.
Little Miss L. realizes Santa is coming to visit her.
Her reaction was absolutely priceless. She had the biggest grin on her face as she waved  and yelled 'ho,ho' to Santa.
Santa and his elf brought goodies for the kids.
Baby D was not to sure how to react.
Little Miss L. was excited to receive a gift but she felt it was also necessary to give Santa one as well. She ran around the house looking for the first thing she could grab, she decided to give Santa a coaster.
Our family photo for 2011.
Mom, should I really let this guy hold me?!?!
Santa and elf with their babies.
I must say this is a pretty cute looking elf.
I have said it before but I will say it again, I have awesome parents! The hubby and I had no idea they would be surprising our family with a visit from the North Pole.
Bye Santa, thanks for the visit.
Little Miss L. could not wait to show off her new high-heels from Santa.
My two handsome men.
These three mean the world to me. I was so lucky to spend the holidays with these beautiful  people who make me smile every single day.
Little Miss L. was pumped when she received her new red wagon/sled.
Baby D opens his very first Christmas present.
Check in tomorrow to see how the rest of our holidays played out. We hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday weekend.

Friday, December 23, 2011

happy holidays

Happy Holidays from our family to yours! Have a fabulous and safe holiday weekend everyone.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

we tried solids!

We opened Baby D's mouth to a whole new world of texture and taste the other night. Baby D tried solids for the very first time and the consensus is - well... he isn't quite sure what to think about it. I love love love watching a baby try solids for the first time, their expressions are priceless. They genuinely have no idea what is going on and if they could speak, they would probably say something along the lines of "Mom and dad, what the heck did you just feed me? This isn't milk!" The fun has begun again, I am looking forward to having cereal all over my kitchen floors and walls.
Say what? You are going to give me what?
Humm, what is in my mouth?
I'm not sure if I want another spoonful of that.
Yeah, it definitely isn't the milk I have been used to.
Who are you looking at?
Big sister could not wait to get in on the action.
"Here you go buddy" says Little Miss L.
"Open your mouth like this!" She is such a great big sister, always willing to help her brother learn.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


The Ya Yas in July 2010. They are beautiful women inside and out, they give myself and my friends something to aspire to everyday.  My mother and one other member are missing from this photo.
Noun: The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
A kind act.

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is upon us as we are running from store to store to find that perfect gift, attending work parties, and gathering with family and friends. With our calendars full we often forget that one small, thoughtful gesture can make a difference in someone's life. I feel like in today's age, witnessing an act of kindness is somewhat rare but still not forgotten. I would like to share a story with all of you, this one touched my heart.

Before I share my story I should give you a little background information - my mother has been suffering from a frozen shoulder, pinched nerves, and a few other health related issues for the last year. She has been in constant pain, pain that causes even simple everyday tasks to be unmanageable. This year has been stressful on my mother for several reasons but especially around this holiday season. At this time of year, my mother can usually be seen baking her little heart out, wrapping her baked goods to bring to family and friends, and turning her home into a winter wonderland - but this year, her illnesses have put a damper on things.

As I was sitting at home the other night, I received a phone call... as my mother started the conversation I could tell there was something different in the tone of her voice. She proceeded to tell me that she was sitting at home catching up on her day with my father when the doorbell rang and in popped her good friend. Her friend handed her a tin filled with baked goods. She proceeded to tell my mom that she knew how important it was to my mother to have homemade baked goods during the holiday season. The next thing my mother knew the doorbell rang again and in popped another good friend with more Christmas goodies. This pattern continued the rest of the evening until my mother's freezer was full. My mother may have had the worst luck with health in the last year but she is truly blessed to be surrounded by a group of women who care for her like they are her sisters. They took time out of their busy holiday schedules to bring a little joy to my mother when she was down and out, they brightened my mother's spirit, they provided her with goodies to continue with her Christmas traditions, but they also reminded me what true generosity is all about. My mother's close knit group of friends (The Ya Yas as they like to refer to themselves) never cease to amaze me and my mother is so fortunate to be surrounded by so much love.

I hope this story has pulled a little on your heart strings ( it sure did for me) and inspired all of you to get out there and perform acts of kindness because we all know it can make someone's holiday a little bit brighter.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

i love visitors

I love love love spending time with my girlfriends. It is hard to articulate the feeling I get when I am surrounded by women who inspire me, make me laugh - not just the ha ha ha kind of laugh - they make me laugh my a** off. They bring me back to reality when I need it and lend an ear when it is necessary- in one word, rejuvenating!

I look forward to the holiday season each year for many reasons, but one in particular always excites me... each year, my girlfriends take a moment and hit the pause button on life and gather to celebrate our friendships. We don't always meet in the same place, but we do always seem to laugh, eat, and drink alot! This past weekend was our annual gathering, and it sure did not disappoint. Our family also had the honour of having a few house guests. Little Miss L. and Baby D loved spending time with my girls. Little Miss L. has not stopped talking about her weekend and all of the fun things she was able to do when her "aunties" were over.
Happy Birthday Jenni. You are like a fine wine, you get better with age.
My beautiful ladies, oh how you make me smile.
I must say as much as I love being home with my babies, it is nice to get out and enjoy a glass of wine.
Group shot for 2011.
Breaky time with the ladies. Thanks daddy for making your delicious crepes.
Thanks God-mommy, I love my new blocks.
Time to build a tower with Auntie April.
Wow, look how high I can make it mom.
Silly time! I love love love moments like these.
Little Miss L. loves her new crayons for the bathtub.
I can't believe how fast Baby D is growing - he celebrated his 4 month birthday this past weekend. Baby D is full of giggles, can almost roll over on his own, has a super strong grip, has discovered his feet and tried cereal for the first the other day. Each day brings new adventures.
Baby D loves talking to his pal.
This was Little Miss L.'s reaction when I told her that our house guests went home and would not be staying at our house any longer.