Monday, October 31, 2011

happy halloween!

May everyone have a safe and happy Halloween!

My little angel is so excited to celebrate Halloween.
You are going to do what...
you totally just put me in a pumpkin!
This is my sad face.
My little angel loves her pumpkin so much, she asked if he could sleep with her in bed.
I can't get enough of these two munchkins.
Who are you looking at!?!?
My little pumpkin!

Friday, October 28, 2011

playgroup halloween fun

Little Miss L. looks forward each week to playgroup. She loves meeting up with all of her friends to sing songs, dance her sillies out, and get her hands dirty in the arts and crafts. This momma loves playgroup too, it is nice to have a conversation with other adults. Yesterday, Little Miss L. was excited to bring her friends some Halloween cupcakes she had made. I love love loved watching the little one's eyes light up when they saw that special sugary treat. Who wouldn't smile after looking at a child covered in icing from head to toe...
My little fairy.
Who needs to use their hands?
What, do we have something on our face?
I like your mustache!
Baby D loves to sleep at playgroup.
I love watching happy children singing and dancing.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

in love

How could you not just be head over heels for these precious babies?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I love love love Halloween. I have always loved Halloween as a young child. Who doesn't like to dress up, carve pumpkins, roast pumpkin seeds, go trick-or-treating, and of course let't not forget decorating for the spooky day! The decorating has begun in our household, and I am loving every minute of it. We decided to get our feet dirty on this one, the kids loved it, and it was the perfect way to capture their little feet forever. I came across this craft over at Miner Moments and knew I had to do this project with the kids.


  • White canvas
  • Black and white acrylic paint
  • Paint brushes
  • Black and white ribbon
  • Glue gun
This craft is fast, easy, and you only need a few materials.
Paint canvas black. Allow black paint to fully dry.
Little Miss L. and daddy working hard.
Baby D is ready for some paint.
Little Miss L. loved the chance to paint her brother's foot. She couldn't stop giggling when her brother was moving all over the place.
Paint feet with washable paint.
Little Miss L. was not impressed. Mommy, it tickles!
All painted up and ready to go.
Place foot on canvas. Then you end up with these cute ghosts.
Add black paint for eyes and add your caption. Finish it off with decorative ribbon.
The finished product. It adds the perfect touch to the corner in our living room.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

weekend catch-up

This past weekend, we were all in need of a little down time. For the last month, we have been on the go, and we all definitely needed to slow down and have some quiet time at home. I love love love weekends that consist of waking up late (yes, 8:00am is now considered sleeping in), staying in pajama's until noon, enjoying homemade crepes, taking long family walks and spending time with friends and family - we were lucky because this past weekend we were able to do all of those...
I snuggled all weekend with this little guy.
I love love love these chubby little hands.
Did a little baking. I love peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies.
These are yummy and taste like Reese Peanut Buttercups.
I love love love these sweet little feet.
It was time to work on our Halloween crafts.
Little Miss L. was excited to paint her brother's foot, but when the tables were turned, she was not as enthusiastic.
I finally had a girls night out. I love nights that involve a nice glass of wine,  yummy food, and lots of laughs.  Time with friends is truly good for the soul.
The leaves have finished changing colour and at this point, most have fallen off their branches. It makes me sad to see all the red, orange, and yellow disappear.
Time for a family walk.
The berries are still hanging on...
Little Miss L. thought she would clean up with a cattail. 
Little Miss L. and mommy picking out our favourite leaves.
Mommy look at all the leaves I found.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

halloween crafts

Let the Halloween crafting begin! Little Miss L. and I have pulled out the ghosts, goblins, and glue guns so check in next week to see what we have been up to these days. What crafts are you doing this Halloween?